Surf Hats
Many prototypes and plenty of R&D have gone into perfecting this scone protector. Hailing from Michael Cundith's MC Surf Designs - Byron Bay Surfboard Company, the ProtecSun has been a pet project for MC's Japanese wife Toshie for years. You could say she's been a trifle obsessed.
When I (Toshie) met Michael Cundith in Japan in 1982 he was wearing a surfhat already. It was a pretty crude homemade design, but I'd never seen a surf hat before so I borrowed it. My skin doesn't like the sun much and my eyes also get really gnarly. I had to get one.
Like most long-time surfers, Michael had pterygiums growing on both eyes. He was due to have them operated on, but he hasn't surfed without a hat since and the growths have completely cleared up no need for the scalpel. For years there weren't any surf hats commercially available so we made our own. When they did come on the market we bought and tried sooo many, but couldn't find any we really liked. For starters they were useless when duck diving.
So here we are, with the help of a friend who's a professional milliner, making our own surf hats that we really love. It's all in the cut and the fine-knit nylon material, comfortable, and they duck dive beautifully! Protecsun Byron Bay - makers of the best surf hat or surf cap you'll ever wear!